Tuesday, August 10, 2004

minky frog

this message contains greetings to other members of this blog. if you do not wish to be greeted do not proceed in reading this post.

if you are still reading i assume you would like to be greeted. well ha ha i have tricked you because that was a false warning. this message contains no such greeting. there is no true greeting behind the greeting signifier. hmmm...

now onto the second point of this post:


well that would have to be the Centrelink Website of course. Not only is it packed with absolute meaningless information on how to procastinate about getting a job or getting anything at all from Centrelink but it is also a way of filling out your fortnightly forms without actually having to talk to anyone employed by Centrelink or visiting one of their office - and THAT my dears is a blessing!


At August 10, 2004 at 11:29 AM, Blogger Beth Blue said...

the Centrelink website, what was i thinking?!!!!! This blogging thing is really very easy isn't it!

At August 10, 2004 at 11:30 AM, Blogger azza-bazoo said...

On the contrary, I agree with your initial post. The Centrelink site is a vital part of my life! I mean, imagine how difficult it would be to be a dole bludger without it?!


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