Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Warm Fuzzies

This little post goes out to all you naughty people who are procrastinating instead of studying! (Although the fact that I am writing this post proves that i am indeed doing that very thing)

here are lots and lots of warm fuzzies and good luckies to get you through your essays and exams.....


no, they are not expletatives they are just inarticulatable (if that is a word) in arabic font.

it is also to prove to tama that this blog will be used post self.net.
the world does not end when we walk out of the tute room, tama, even if you may think so! ;)

while i am on that subject (sort of) hey tama can we please have super rights on this blog now so that we can change the template and stuff to make it pretty, kitty kat and aaron with an h want it too!!! PLEEEAAAASSSEEEE?

okay i will go and stop procrastinating now and so should you


warm fuzzies


ps cranium information will be posted at a later date (after about the 27th of nov when me and my flatmate stop stressing about all the STUFF we have to do.....)

cheers big ears!

i will stop random commenting soon....



now seems like a good time

no wait a minute

did anyone see what happened to carly? she hasn't posted or tuted lately?????

ok now i am done.


At October 26, 2004 at 11:55 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Okay, you just know I'm going to have to take issue with this (even if it was a bit sarcastic): the world does not end when we walk out of the tute room, tama, even if you may think so! ;)" If I really thought that life stoped outside of the tute, or even the ivory towers of UWA, do you really think I'd be encouraging you all to enter and contribute to the blogosphere? Hmmm.

Oh, and "super rights on this blog"? Again: hmmmm. While I'm 100% in favour of you all blogging into the future far beyond the unit, I do wonder if you really want to carve your future blogs out of the shell of this one? I am particularly aware, too, that there is work by others who might not be quite as, er, enthusiastic by the idea of playing with everything. If you really want to keep this blog space, then you can all have admin rights after essays have been returned, but it might prove more fun for you all to create your own group blog where you can do whatever you like (and I won't be getting emailed copies of everything you say!). Your call.

(although, I should add, from my pov it would be fascinating to see what you're all blogging long after self.net has sunk into your collective pasts...)

At October 27, 2004 at 4:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

The word limit is, indeed, 2500.


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