Friday, October 29, 2004

address to the peeps

well i certainly hope that everyone's essay's went to plan, i managed to get mine in on time so that's the main thing right? :) i was thinking that if we are serious about keeping our own blog it wouldn't be *that* hard to make another one, i dunno seems like hassles are arising from using this one and then, the people who don't want to do it can go back to real life, pft, "real life" hahah. so overrated. meh, i just thought it might be easier that's all and then aaron could attack the template. attack i say. w00t!
later my minions
Kat xx


At October 29, 2004 at 10:07 PM, Blogger azza-bazoo said...

Hehe, I am just glad that the essay is over, even though (or because?) it didn't quite go to plan for me ... but anyway.

I think this is a splendid idea, it's not like it's difficult to set up another blog, heck I'll even volunteer to do the work of setting it up. Oh wait, you already volunteered me :-)

Not that I don't think this blog is cool and all, it is, but it's also kinda overshadowed by the all-powerful presence of Tama, and although our final posts made it clear we love him dearly, I don't think we love him *that* much. Of course I could be wrong.

So, opinions everyone? Is there general support among the cool kids of the Wednesday group to go forth and create our own blog goodness? Or are we collectively too attached to this here blog?

At November 2, 2004 at 1:30 AM, Blogger azza-bazoo said...

Orright, I will go forth and construct us a new blog. Any suggestions for a name / site address? perhaps, or Meh, I dunno.

In response to Kaet, well, you know, I always live in fear ... :-)
But if you must know the full story: I had a blog, but I was a slack bum and never updated it. Due to the risk of incriminating myself (i.e. my paranoia, laced with a nice dose of stupidity), I trashed most of the stuff that was there. I am slowly assembling a replacement at but that is still very much work-in-progress-ey.


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